A grand time was had by all at the Washington Business Improvement District’s Annual Recognition Dinner in February. It was a SELL OUT crowd that included not only Washington Borough business people but also many officials and dignitaries from throughout the area. This year’s honorees were Attorney Tom Fischer, Business Person of the Year; Warren County Dental Center, Business of the Year; Gibsons Fitness Center, Redevelopment Award; and Frank and Maria Hadley, Community Partners. In the group photo of honorees, L-R, Dr. Lauren Cannavo of Warren County Dental Center, Attorney Tom Fischer, Maria and Frank Hadley, and Kevin Hopkins and Mike Politano of Gibsons Fitness Center. Also pictured, the staff of the Warren County Dental Center poses after receiving their award, Vincent “Enzo” Iannelli, Jr., President of the WBID Board with State Sen. Doug Steinhardt, Melanie Thiel, Executive Director of the WBID addresses the audience, and members of the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce turned out for the event as well. Photos by Cathy Miller.

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