Warren Hills Regional High School’s FFA did a remarkable job at the NJ FFA Convention that was held at Monmouth University from May 23-25.
Brittany Smith was elected to serve the NJ FFA Association as the NJ FFA Secretary for 2018-2019! She was also awarded state and national scholarships, along with Owen Donnelly.
Donnelly placed 4th in the Teach Agriculture Career Development Event (CDE) and received a $14,000 scholarship to Delaware Valley University for his efforts! Donnelly also received his Garden State FFA Degree – the highest degree the NJ FFA Association can bestow upon a member.
Elizabeth Wheelan placed 2nd in the Employment Skills CDE and will be representing NJ FFA at The Big E (Eastern States Exposition) in Springfield, MA and at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. in the fall.
Alexander Ward placed 2nd in the Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE.
Warren Hills FFA was awarded a National Chapter Award being recognized for the many opportunities afforded to members and for helping in the community throughout the past year.
In addition Warren Hills’ 1st place Equine Judging Team (Brittany Smith, Victoria Burd, Sarah Chaplain, and Devon Meshach) were recognized and will be representing NJ FFA at The Big E (Eastern States Exposition) in
Springfield, MA and at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. in the fall.
The school’s 1st place Dairy Judging Team (Brittany Smith, Victoria Burd, Sarah Chaplain, and Elizabeth Wheelan) were recognized and will also be representing NJ FFA at The Big E (Eastern States Exposition) and at the National FFA Convention.
In other honors, Warren Hills FFA was recognized for its members’ achievements throughout the year in participant success in practicum areas of CDE’s; Owen Donnelly and Amanda Burdett received their FFA jackets through the Blue Jackets Bright Futures program; and Victoria Burd and Sarah Chaplain served as chapter delegates to vote on NJ FFA initiatives using proper Parliamentary Procedure techniques.
Pictured in the photo are: Victoria Burd, Amanda Burdett, Sarah Chaplain, Owen Donnelly, Brittany Smith, Alexander Ward, and Elizabeth Wheelan.
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