Charlie Fineran’s archive Photo of the Week: Keeping a close eye on the squirrel on his back deck are left to right, Rascal, Bandit and Lucy.
Our homes and yards often provide some wonderful experiences to appreciate and enjoy wildlife. We usually associate wildlife with trips where we go to parks and open space, places to view same, but often we may be pleasantly surprised by surprise visits. Hope these photos from my house and yard help in validating that point. This week’s photos are taken from my archives.
Saturday, May 1. It is 9 a.m. I’m beginning to write my Photo of the Week article, still pondering and seething at the time, in various states of DISBELIEF, FRUSTRATION, ANGER, etc., etc., and more etc.’s. The tale I am about to relate is going to hit home with many of you, triggering some special memories, along with simultaneously conjuring up some feelings of despair: IF I ONLY HAD MY CAMERA! The one positive side to this tale? It did give me the idea for this week’s Photo of the Week!
OBSERVATION: Too bad this hadn’t been April 1, could have just told myself “APRIL FOOLS!” Unfortunately, for me, this incident did happen AND had a “part two,” if you will. That second part is what really is killing me! So, let me set you up, give you a few tidbits which will hopefully put this all in perspective:
- Keep in mind, I am the guy that is always telling you, “Keep your camera handy!” Violated my own first rule!
- I usually have my older camera on the ready, in the house, just in case of INCIDENTS LIKE THIS!! I took that on a road trip last week, out of curiosity, to compare same with my newer camera and forgot to bring it back in the house.
- Took a road photo tour Friday, brought my new camera into the house, downloaded my photos and then placed the camera on my dining room table to take it back out to the car.
You now have the background data to appreciate the following tale.

Sometime during the last week in April, I was given a bag of bird food. With the nice weather, I don’t put out bird food, however, I took the seed. Arrive home and I am thinking, I have a PERFECT place to put this food! I will place it along the entire brick ledge of my home’s large front bay window.
PICTURE THIS: On the inside of that bay window I have several cat trees, scratchers, beds, cat tunnels etc., so my three indoor cats can play, sleep AND observe what goes on in the front yard. Placed the seed. Now I am going to wait for that purrfect photo moment! Each day, I check the ledge, seed is still there. Saturday. The big day arrives. The problem is, I am not aware it is the big day!!
My routine: 7 a.m. wake up, say good morning to LUCY and CLEO, who sleep on the bed, and walk to the front room to say good morning to LADY, who sleeps in the bay window. Then I will go to the kitchen and get their breakfast.
Usually, I wake LADY in her bed, but today, I am observing her all tensed up, peering intently out the window, tail switching wildly, and hearing her chatter with excitement! Arriving at the window, I am now looking over LADY, who is face to face with a squirrel!
Nuts! Both my cameras are in the car!
I watch for several minutes as the squirrel moves along the ledge on the outside and LADY is like the squirrel’s shadow, following every move the squirrel makes! Couple of really special moments, when the squirrel’s face was literally pressed against the glass looking in and LADY’s face was plastered against the glass looking out, with her paw moving up and down the glass along the squirrel’s image!
All the food is gone, and the squirrel jumps off the ledge.
Heading into the kitchen to feed the cats, I am saying to myself, “Really unfortunate both cameras are in the car, that was exactly the photo moment I was planning for!” Walk into the dining room and SEE MY CAMERA (all ready for action) setting on the dining room table! The SAME dining room table I walked right by when going to say good morning to LADY!
THEN, it dawned on me, I brought the camera in the night before to download photos! I have always prided myself with being able to connect the dots – that pride has been shaken! My confidence is undermined!
NOTE: Critiquing this incident, I guess I am not guilty of “not having my camera handy” as mentioned in TIDBIT#1. IT WAS THERE! Just SCARY that I missed connecting the obvious dots throughout the entire event! One thing I am doing right now is going to my car to bring in my old camera for indoor use.
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Charlie Fineran is Allamuchy’s Director of Open Space, Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission Chairman and Allamuchy Historical Society President.
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