Maybe I am looking at this wrong, but when I think of an artist, one who paints pictures, I usually envision a cluttered artist studio, multiple unfinished paintings laying around, brushes, paints etc., etc. and to boot, a large easel!
Well, obviously there are some artists who enjoy getting away, being out and about, AND, traveling to a site/sight, where they can enjoy doing their artwork, and at the same time, enjoying the beautiful Open Space Lands. Over the years I have had the pleasant experience of encountering several artists on my adventures, both while traveling on the roads and while out and about hiking along a trail.
I am very thankful and I would STOP, PHOTOGRAPH & CHAT with the artists. It was interesting to hear them share their experiences, along with sharing their methodology of painting. Take for example, the two landscape artists (pictured below and abov), both painting the Delaware Water Gap. Both of them were interested in capturing “The View” being presented before them.

On the other hand, the artist on Heney’s Mill Road in the DWGNRA did not care at all about the “view” in his immediate surroundings, he just wanted those peaceful surroundings to be his outdoor studio for that day.

There is another type of artist I would like to mention: the folk artist. These artists play an important role in celebrating and showcasing our culture and history, all within a realistic backdrop or setting. My introduction to Bill Sturm took place at Rutherfurd Hall in 2011. Dr Tim Frederiks, then Superintendent of Allamuchy Schools had asked his friend to paint a photo depicting a nun in her habit, ice skating on Allamuchy Pond with Rutherfurd Hall, once called Villa Madonna (when the nuns owned it as a retreat and retirement home), as a backdrop. I then took Bill on a tour of Allamuchy. Several weeks later, Tim advised me that Bill was going to do an entire collection of paintings showcasing this area’s natural beauty, along with its history and cultural events. The painting above, (Bill Sturm Art Show) is my favorite, ( I’ll tell why in a moment) showcases Bill’s original task of painting the nun ice skating, it also is a great example of how Bill could celebrate and present multiple stories within one painting. This painting showcases the nun ice skating on Allamuchy Pond with Villa Madonna as a backdrop. It showcases myself as a tour guide pointing out Indian Rock, located along Allamuchy Pond. Two Eagle Scouts are depicted with me. Both had Eagle Scout projects along Allamuchy Pond Trail, a trail in which Allamuchy Township’s Environmental Commission partnered with the State of New Jersey in Allamuchy Mountain State Park to create. One Eagle project consisted of 4 benches and a kiosk, the other project had 40 posts with signage showing various leaves and telling about their trees all throughout the trail.

Ladies and Gentleman, besides being a wonderful artist, Bill was one of those artists who I mentioned above with the large, busy artist studio, with lots of paintings, brushes, easels, etc., etc. etc.. Unfortunately, Bill passed away April 28, 2018.
I have copied the following words from a portion of the photo above – info about show & artist. While these remarks are about Bill Sturm, I believe they are also a nice dedication to other artists who share their talent to better present and celebrate our History, Culture and Open Space Lands! I would encourage you read the rest of the article.
**“In every great artist’s stride is the goal to find one’s personal style and aesthetic, and Sturm has developed an original painting style that incorporates many of Art History’s best attributes, including the folk arts. Sturm has a playful and yet sincere sensibility about place; he sees and records the minute details of everyday life, and the viewer is inspired to see through his window; there we marvel at the bird on the nest, the baseball hat just right, the dog, the corn truck. Sturm brings a science teacher’s attention to facts and accuracy and a historian’s sense of preservation to the genre of painting. Rutherfurd Hall is so thankful for the hundreds of hours Sturm dedicated, and celebrate his commitment to the project and our greater cultural landscape. We find him to be a master in our midst.”** Several of Bill’s paintings are displayed at Rutherfurd Hall.
Tuesday, October 18th afternoon about 4:15 p.m. I am stopping at home to feed my cats then head right out for a 5 p.m. meeting. Heading down Youngs Island Rd., Allamuchy I notice an artist pulled off to the side painting. Stopped quickly took a couple of photos and went home. On the way to my meeting, began thinking, “Haven’t come across an artist in awhile!” Might be an interesting Photo of the Week article!

Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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