Tom Schiano, co-owner of Mama’s & Café Baci in Hackettstown, was recognized as the Business Person of the Year. and Joan Westpy, president of the Hackettstown Rotary, was named Humanitarian of the Year (photo above, with Chamber President Harry Browne on left), at the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Business and Humanitarian Awards dinner held on June 13 at Audio Visual Dynamics in Budd Lake.
Schiano and his family have been catering to the area’s need for Italian cuisine for nearly 50 years. Mama’s & Café Baci began as a small pizza place in the Hackettstown Mall, but has grown into a destination restaurant for any occasion. Voted the best Italian Restaurant in Warren County by and known for adapting to food trends and dietary sensitivities, offering gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan menus, Mama’s & Café Baci offers its customers exactly what they want. Further, Schiano uses his role as caterer to give back to the community, as he and his family donates meals to volunteer groups and those in need, putting the “comfort” back in comfort food.
Westpy, owner of Westpy Marketing Services, Inc., has volunteered tirelessly to help better the Mount Olive and Hackettstown areas. She is a longtime member, and now President, of the Hackettstown Rotary, which brings together professional leaders to provide humanitarian service and advance goodwill through local projects. She has also dedicated endless time and energy to the Hackettstown Medical Center and many other local non-profits. Westpy Marketing Services, Inc., specializes in providing promotional products and gift incentives to Public Broadcasting, non-profits, and small local businesses, as well and multi-national corporate clients as far as the Pacific Rim.
Also honored was Patti Singer (photo below), Chamber board member, with the President’s Award, given by Chamber President Harry Browne to someone who has gone beyond the call of duty for the chamber. (Photos by MC Ward Images)
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