I like today’s title because literally standing beside the dam and the waterfall, within your immediate viewshed are distinct possibilities of multiple recreational activities.
First, just look above the dam and you are looking at a calm peaceful stretch of river reminding you more of a lake like setting. Calm easy going boating opportunities, great for viewing and photographing wildlife and the many different ecosystems of Nature, OR, at the same time, marvel how the world famous Morris Canal winded its way along the river here while traversing across New Jersey from the Hudson River in Jersey City to Phillipsburg along the Delaware River.
**REMEMBER – The Morris Canal overcame 1,674 feet of elevation change, more than any other transportation canal in the world!!**
**REMEMBER – The Morris Canal was crucial to the economy and development of Northern New Jersey from the time of the waterway’s construction until after the Civil War!!**
Secondly, look at the dam and waterfall. There is a sign there that says “Chartered, 1824 opened for traffic 1831. A dam was erected here about 1830 as a feeder for 30.6 miles of the canal between this point and the Delaware River. An average of 34.17 cubic feet per second of water was taken for this purpose. This was drawn from storage in Lake Hopatcong, Cranberry Lake and Bear Pond. This land includes 3.33 miles of right-of-way was acquired from Nathaniel Saxton.” Also adjacent to the dam is an old remnant of a canal lock.
Last but not least, look at the cascading water going over the dam and how from that point on it becomes a series of rapids and quick moving water as the Musconetcong River returns to its natural ways of being a river. Also turn around and see the old lock for the canal and also realize at this point the Morris Canal begins in journey away from the river.

Keep in mind the above three described viewsheds all can be seen with just the turn of a head standing by the present day dam and spillway. Following I have listed several great Family Recreational Activities that can be accomplished at this site/sight!
Hiking and Walking – There are also a multitude of trails and Greenbelts that either pass through Saxton Falls or pass nearby, making Saxton Falls almost like a hub on a wheel.! The Morris Canal Greenway Trail – The Highlands Trail (Connecticut to Delaware River in NJ) Liberty Water Gap Trail (Jersey City to Columbia Pedestrian Bridge in Knowlton, NJ – this is NJ’s segment of the National 9-11 Memorial Trail connecting the three sites hit on 9/11) Along with many other local trails.
Fishing – Saxton Falls Dam is located just 2.9 miles from Hackettstown. It is now part of Allamuchy Mountain State Park. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including rainbow trout and others here. Whether you’re fly fishing, spinning or baitcasting your chances of getting a bite here are good.
Boating Canoeing and Kayaking – The Musconetcong River above the Saxton Falls Dam is more like a narrow lake offering a more tranquil way of boating all the while enjoying beautiful views and lots of wildlife. For the more adventurous boating below the dam offers your typical free flowing river situations. Keep in mind, the Musconetcong River is nationally designated as “Wild & Scenic” in three areas and the entire river has been recognized as a National Water Trail, so you may assume and anticipate an exciting, interesting and enjoyable journey!
Driving and Tourism – Did you know, The Warren County Scenic Byway has officially been extended northward and will now travel through Hackettstown from Rt 57 up and along Willow Grove Road through Allamuchy Township enroute to Waterloo Village in Allamuchy Mountain State Park AND your visit to Saxton Falls places you on several of the landmarks of that Scenic Byway?
I’m getting the feeling I might have omitted something, however, I believe I have made a good case as to why you just might want to visit Saxton Falls.

Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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