Story behind our Photo of the Week: Friday, June 14th, I stopped by the offices of the MWA (Musconetcong Watershed Association) located adjacent to the Musconetcong River in Asbury. Had been asked to sign a letter, as Chairman, representing the Musconetcong River Management Council. The letter was addressed to NJ DEP in support of ‘Proposed Surface Water Quality Standards’ being considered. The MWA was also sending a similar letter of support. During my short visit, I noticed the Asbury Mill, located across the street, had scaffolding and was getting a fresh coating of stucco. I also noticed and complimented on HOW GREAT THE MILL LOOKED!!! EVEN WITH THE SCAFFOLDING!!! Then I advised, “This is going to be my next Photo of the Week – just need a clear day!!!” June 21st is a clear day, another trip to Asbury =s Photo of the Week!! I lucked out, the scaffolding was down!! The other photos are to show contrasts, from the beginning of work back in 2010 up till present!! To be sure, there is still a lot of work before completion, BUT, what a beautiful view-shed for the everyone to enjoy while the project continues!!

The following information was collected and summarized from various MWA websites, which are listed below.
The Asbury Grist Mill forms much of the early industrial character of the Franklin Township village of Asbury. Since the mill’s construction along the Musconetcong River circa 1865-1867 as a gristmill, the building has characterized the early industrial might of New Jersey with its use of water wheel, and later, turbine to power the early machines of industry.

The Musconetcong Watershed Association is committed to preserving the Asbury Mill and to raising public awareness of the rich social, agricultural and industrial heritage of the area.
Bringing history to life through preservation
Grist mill technology arrived with the earliest European settlers. Streams flowing through the region made it ideally suited to the early mills. By the mid-19th century, the area was dotted with self-contained, water-powered, grain-grinding factories. Grist mills evolved through the centuries, but the basic concept was the use of the huge millstones to grind grain, producing flour and meal for baking bread. Many American grist mills have been preserved or renovated and are in use today. Some have become museums that seek to preserve the story of the early entrepreneurs who ran them.
The original Asbury Mill, built in the 1770s, existed in Hall’s Mills, in what is now called the Village of Asbury. In 1796, Methodist Bishop Francis Asbury helped lay the cornerstone for the church. In 1800, the name of the settlement was changed to Asbury in his honor. The original mill, which ground wheat into flour, stood until a new mill was constructed in 1865. The building reflects the early influence of New Jersey with its use of water wheels, and later turbines, that powered the first machines of the Industrial Revolution. The new mill was constructed of stone with a lime stucco exterior finish on at least 3 sides. It rises up 5 levels, including the basement. Below the basement level is the mill raceway and tailrace, which runs through stone arches at each end.

Many mills in New Jersey were modernized and modeled in the mid-19th century after Oliver Evens’ patent for “automated grist mills”. Powered by a water wheel, this was the first continuous flow production line mill in the world. An early English book describes the mill: “Mr. Oliver Evans, an ingenious American, has invented… a flour mill upon a curious construction which, without the assistance of manual labor, first conveys the grain… to the upper floor, where it is cleaned. Thence it descends to the hopper, and after being ground in the usual way, the flour is conveyed to the upper floor, where, by a simple and ingenious contrivance, it is spread, cooled, and gradually made to pass to the boulting hopper.” The product was not touched by human hands from the time the grain was dumped into the receiving hopper until the finished flour flowed into a bin ready for packing into barrels or bags.” As New Jersey farmland converted to residential use, grain farms that supplied the mills were the first to disappear. More efficient power sources and mass production quickly replaced the small, local grist mills.
In 1895, entrepreneur and visionary Harry M. Riddle saw an opportunity to lease the Asbury Grist Mill and convert it and its machinery to process graphite. Later on, during the First World War, graphite was in high demand since it was needed to manufacture weapons for military use. An interesting part of the conversion was the replacement of the wooden water wheel with a cast iron horizontal ‘Leffel turbine’ – which remains in the basement of the mill. The mill remained in use into the 1970s, and then the business began to concentrate in the building across the river in what is now Asbury Carbons. In 1999, the MWA was gifted the mill by the Riddle family, the owners of Asbury Carbons, with the hope of seeing it restored.

New Jersey is home to many unique mills, some are constructed of stone, some timber, and others, a combination. They generally fall into a few categories: working, abandoned, and re-purposed. The Asbury Mill restoration is designed to re-purpose this historic building. The MWA is working to preserve and transform the mill, to honor its past, while providing space for today’s needs. As this endeavor continues, it will become a leading example of smart growth, preservation, and environmentalism. Plans to restore the mill, include waterproofing the building, completing flooring, and adding security features – making it safe for public tours. The exterior restoration includes re-pointing the masonry, repairing the stucco coating, and replacing the doors and windows. Interior systems also need updating (electricity, HVAC, plumbing), windows and doors, and eventually, a full interior restoration for adaptive reuse. Once completed, the ground floor will serve as a meeting space and classroom with a portion of the area dedicated as exhibit space. The upper floors will be converted to office space for the MWA.
One of the goals for the mill is to achieve LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) status. Plans have included green measures throughout the property. When fully restored, this historic mill will once again become a vibrant contribution to the Asbury community.
All of these projects take time, effort, money, and imagination. We invite your interest and help. Each of us has a part to play in saving a segment of our past and making it a part of our future. Over the past few years, MWA has received several grants, which are partially funding the restoration. More fundraising will be required to complete the project. If possible, please help us preserve the Asbury Mill by contacting the MWA or visiting the MWA website at

Below are several links that will better introduce you to the Musconetcong Watershed Association, a truly remarkable and dynamic organization that has done a wonderful job of fulfilling its Mission – “The Musconetcong Watershed Association (MWA) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and improving the quality of the Musconetcong River and its Watershed, including its natural and cultural resources.”
Additional MWA info:
MWA Facebook:
MWA Facebook public page:
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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