This past Thursday we attended the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Musconetcong Watershed Association, at the beautiful Hawk Pointe Golf Club in Washington.
This year was special and we were all looking forward to seeing everyone in person with COVID rules being suspended. However, it was not until I received my program and observed the words, “Celebrating 30 years of watershed protection” that it dawned on me that the 2022 Annual Meeting is going to be special!
I signed in and went right back out to my car to get my camera! Looks like I have my next Photo of the Week Article!
It was a short business meeting as MWA Board President Richard Cotton gave an introduction and review of the MWA’s 30 years of success. The evening continued with a special ceremony – “Friend of the River” award being presented to Jeremy Travers. The special guest speaker, Jamie Fosburgh, Branch Chief for the Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers Program for the National Park Service’s North Atlantic/Appalachian Region, gave a presentation titled “Celebrating 30 Years”. What a special evening.
I am going to begin my article with, asking myself, a simple Question?/Exclamation!
Let’s continue with another question, which is not so simple, involving a predicament I find myself in! AND, I am wondering, if this predicament might trigger some FLASH-BACKS for some of You.
QUESTIONS #3, BECAUSE OF #2: Is this article going to be TOO long? – Am I going to forget something? – “Do I prioritize? Etc., Etc., and Etc.
Ladies and Gentlemen I have been involved with the MWA (Musconetcong Watershed Association) for about 20 years. That involvement began with becoming the Director of Open Space at Allamuchy Township. One of my first duties there was representing Allamuchy Township on Warren County’s Municipal Charitable Conservancy Trust Fund Committee, and back in the day circa 2002, the MWA was ‘restoring’ a shell of a building (NOTE: AND I Mean a Shell!) to become their future headquarters, which is the present day River Resource Center in Asbury along the Musconetcong River **NOTE (Long Story Short, that building is a LEED designated ‘Platinum Site’ – LEED stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)**.
That location is also at the Asbury Mill, which is another project I was involved with that included aid from the MCCTF Committee and others. I served on the MRMC (Musconetcong River Management Council) representing Allamuchy Township since about 2002, last four years serving as their Chairman. The MRMC was mandated by the U.S. Congress when the Musconetcong River was designated as a Wild & Scenic Partner River. **FYI, the MWA is the lead partner under contract with the NPS (National Park Service), for the MRMC. AND, the MWA played a key role before that in having the Musconetcong River approved by Congress to become a Nationally recognized Scenic & Wild River!!**
So my game plan in today’s Photo of the Week article is to try my best to showcase, then provide links to, the many diverse activities of the MWA, thus giving you a sense of how dynamic this group is. That process should help me keep the length of this article within reason, all the while building a sense of appreciation and a wanting to learn more about this wonderful organization!!
***IMPORTANT NOTE: Charlie says, “Great Things just don’t happen! They are the result of caring about, planning, hard work, sacrifice by many individuals, groups and organizations!!!” Please Consider Helping as a Volunteer and/or with a Donation!!*** THANK YOU!!
The Musconetcong Watershed Association (MWA) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and improving the quality of the Musconetcong River and its watershed, including its natural and cultural resources.
MWA MISSION – “To protect and improve the quality of the Musconetcong Watershed and its waters for people and nature”
CHARLIE’S OBSERVATION – “WOW!!, What a Success Story!! THANK YOU!!
As I mentioned before (My ‘MODUS OPERANDI/Game Plan) is that I am going to touch on various activities of the MWA that I gleaned from their website and then provide you a direct link, thus I give you a ‘Heads Up’ and the link will provide a greater understanding!’ I will also present several photos showcasing the MWA & the Musconetcong River.
MWA (Musconetcong Watershed Association) —
Musconetcong River Management Council – Musconetcong River Management Council | MWA
River Cleanups – River Cleanups | MWA (
Water Quality Monitoring – Water Quality Monitoring | MWA (
River Restoration Projects – River Restoration | MWA (
Delaware River Watershed Initiative – Delaware River Watershed Initiative | MWA (
Dam Removals – Dam Removals | MWA (
Our Headwaters – Protecting Our Headwaters | MWA (
Native Gardening – Native Gardening | MWA (
My hope is to have provided you with a fairly thorough introduction, to many of the activities, concerning this dynamic organization!! Over the years, I have always amazed on how a small group, does so much, including many major projects, I am confident that amazement will continue on!!

Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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