Former NFL star Vance Johnson, who played with the Denver Broncos during the John Elway Super Bowl years, brought his story of recovery to North Warren Regional High School on Oct. 29. He met with coaches, athletic directors, school officials, students, the varsity football team, community members and parents during the course of the day. His presentation was part of a new Warren County grant that focuses particularly on athletics and the prevention of drug abuse. Among those attending the “athletics portion” of the day were, back left to right, Stefanie Connolly, Warren Tech Coach, Brian Gravatt – NWR Coach, Jim Haupt – NWR Coach and Supervisor, former Denver Bronco Vance Johnson, John Simonetti – NWR Athletic Director, Adrianna Suk – NWR Coach, and community volunteer Mary Jo Harris: and in front, Jim Perry, Hardwick Township committeeman, Dan Hirshberg, CHP Communications, Tina Ritchie – NW Dean of Students, Nikki Appezzato, Warren Tech Athletic Trainer, Jenna Stoner, Regional Coalition Coordinator for Prevention Connections, a program of the Family Guidance Center, Jill Masker – NWR Coach, Jessica Loughlin – NWR Coach, and Sandy Toronzi – NWR Coach. For learn more about this grant and other programs offered by Prevention Connections, email
Message Delivered By Former Denver Bronco

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