QUESTION – Have you ever had one of those moments, whereabouts, a memory, on one end of the spectrum, begins triggering, other memories, and then other memories popping up? That are ALL seemingly stretched across and connected to, that same original spectrum? Today’s story is a good example of this!
The ‘spectrum’ I am referring to in this case, is the Miller Farm section of Old Mine Road, located within DWGNRA (Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area). **Location & Description Info – will follow below** Looking through my archives, in the ‘Pending Projects Photo Folders’, I come across a collection of videos titled ‘SOUNDS’! My mind is now in FULL MEMORY MODE.
My very first ‘Thought/Idea’ of creating and developing a ‘VIDEO for just SOUNDS’ came into my mind, while at the Miller Farm! Here is that story. Several years ago I am adjacent to the Miller Farm House site looking down and over a wetlands section of the farm. It is evening just before dark and I am hoping to see some wildlife! While waiting I am listening to the very loud chorus of insects, frogs and whatever, which at the moment, did not catch my attention. It was your usual background sounds! SUDDENLY, it was silent! Like flicking off a light switch. THAT CAUGHT MY ATTENTION! Then in a few moments we are back to the loud background forest noise. Wonder what just happened? These noises were from all over the area and they were loud. Reminded me of an orchestra and its conductor gently waving his baton, leading the orchestra and then, at the flick of his baton, they are silent in unison.
After that, I switched my camera to video, NOT to capture a picture, BUT, to capture the sound. I stood there recording on and off for about a half hour and the instant silence never happened! It is dark and I went home. Over the years, I have been creating these ‘Sound videos’ when I come across interesting sounds OR silence and then place them in my pending files. Saturday Feb 5, 2022 I actually just created a new Flickr Album ‘Sounds in DWGNRA’ containing sound videos from around the park, Hope you enjoy!
As I said earlier, the above memory of the Miller Farm triggered new MEMORIES. Memories of a beautiful old large farmhouse, see photos above. (NOTE: Sadly the house burned to the ground several years ago) It was at this point, amid my many memories, I believe, I have my next Photo of the Week article, showcasing this beautiful and interesting Site/Sight.
The Miller Farm site is located just south of Van Campens Lower Glen entrance, continue south and as soon as you cross over the bridge for Van Campens Brook, you will see the remaining small red barn buildings, in front of you and off to the right, along with a driveway taking you into the site. In its day, before the fire, the large white farmhouse with it two red farm buildings created a beautiful picturesque setting for the traveler along Old Mine Road. The physical surroundings of this site are special. Here you had the old house and two buildings just off Old Mine Road. I believe Old Mine Road is actually the backyard. The front of the house faces above and looks down over a small pond and over a wetlands section with farm fields beyond that (see videos below). The panorama of the wetlands and farm fields has a beautiful back drop of wooded hills. Near the driveway entrance is a gated farm road which leads you ultimately to the Delaware River passing along the Van Campens Brook and multiple farm fields. This is a great area to see wildlife because of the many diverse ecosystems converging near one site.
My many visits to the house area for wildlife photos of the wetlands. Also enjoyed hiking through the fields. Several bear sightings in the fields and a sow and her cub that climbed a large pine tree in the Van Campen property across the street. Nice large snapping turtles in the pond.
Periodically, seeing my friend, a nature photographer, set up with his tri-pod and telephoto lens adjacent to the home site looking for wildlife, in the wetlands below, during the evening hours before dark.
My neighbor when I lived in Panther Valley asked for a CD of photos of the Miller Farm house and red buildings so she could use one as a model for her next painting.
Driving along Old Mine road south of Millbrook Village getting winter photos of the park before the more recent seasonal road closures.

Please visit my Flickr site to hear and see along with other beautiful settings in DWGNRA
Miller Farm Marsh – DWGNRA P4230087 | Charlie Fineran | Flickr
Miller Farm Marsh – DWGNRA P4230088 | Charlie Fineran | Flickr
Throughout my life I have always liked the song ‘Memories’ and always thought of that tune when having or talking about Memories. Never knew the words or entire tune, just was aware of the first part of the chorus tune and its beginning two words Memories, Memories. Did some research and found out it was written in 1915. Activate the link and enjoy some of your own MEMORIES!
Love Songs For Piano – Memories by Egbert Van Alstyne – Bing video
Round me at twilight come stealing
Shadows of days that are gone
Dreams of the old days revealing
Mem’ries of love’s golden dawn
CHORUS: Memories, memories
Dreams of love so true
O’er the sea of memory
I’m drifting back to you
Childhood days, wild wood days
Among the birds and bees
You left me alone, but still you’re my own
In my beautiful memories
Sunlight may teach me forgetting
Noonlight brings thoughts that are new
Twilight brings sighs and regretting
Moonlight means sweet dreams of you
CHORUS: Memories, memories
Dreams of love so true
O’er the sea of memory
I’m drifting back to you
Childhood days, wild wood days
Among the birds and bees
You left me alone, but still you’re my own
In my beautiful memories
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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