Lighthouse Keepers, Maker Camp At Warren Library

A Zoom presentation from the Warren County Library will follow the family and work life of lighthouse keepers on Tuesday, June 21, at 6:30 p.m.

Mary Rasa, a speaker and historian who worked as a museum curator and park ranger for the National Park Service for 16 years, will discuss the families who lived and worked at lighthouses. The keeper’s family learned to tend the light and a few hundred wives and daughters became the official keepers or assistant keepers. This was one of the first government career fields open to females. This virtual program explores the US Lighthouse Service and looks at the lives of five remarkable women keepers. The US Coast Guard assumed control of lighthouses in 1939.

Rasa holds a BA in Historic Preservation and a masters in library science and Rasa has conducted more than 1,000 programs for audiences from school children to academic and professional conferences as well as libraries, senior citizen groups and historic societies.

To register contact Kim Urban at (908) 818-1280 or

Lizards and Stuff

Also on June 21, kids from 5-years-old up plus teens and adults can interact with live slithery, slimy, super cool lizards, snakes, turtles, frogs and bugs at the Northeast Branch of the Warren County Library on Tuesday, June 21 at noon.

Debbie Dulepski and Lorraine Bloom will bring between five and eight species of their slippery friends. Participants will learn about their diet, habitat, life expectancy and other exciting facts and will discover the differences between carnivores and herbivores. They will learn about animals whose lineage. Please register all people attending. Register by calling (908) 813-3858 or at

Maker Camp

The Catherine Dickson Hofman branch and Kaleidoscope Enrichment present a maker camp for kids ages 5 through 12 Mondays from June 27 through Aug. 8, at 3 p.m.

Maker Camps encourage kids and families to get hands-on to meld science, technology, art, and craft. Participants will build moving kinetic sculptures to simulate the world under the ocean and learn a bit about circuits and sewing as they make glowing jellyfish mobiles. Caregivers for children ages 9 and under must remain at the event. Please register only the children attending.

June 27: create a glowing ocean mobile, learning about kinetic sculpture, circuitry and sewing.

July 11: create soothing seas sensory bottles having fun with art and exploring the properties of liquid.

July 18: “Water + Electricity = Science will explore conductivity and density and practice origami.

July 25: “Sails Away” will teach building soap-propelled boats and explore surface tension.

Aug. 1: “Seems Fishy” will teach fish physics and some engineering.

Aug. 8: ocean creative cosplay will involve making costumes and having fun in front of the green screen.

Please register for each session. Presenter is Sandy Roberts.

CDH is located at 4 Lambert Road, Blairstown. Register with Kelly at

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