I think we all agree, the area we live in is beautiful, has a lot of wildlife and many wonderful places to go and enjoy our Open Space Lands.
Today’s short story is a classic re-affirmation of the above statement. I believe the best way to present this is to just relate what occurred. The where, the what and the short time span of photos will all bring the story together.
This past Friday, January 14th it is 1:45 p.m. and I have just pulled into the car wash in Hackettstown, the one off Rt. 57 along the Musconetcong River. There is a pretty long line for the automated wash. Just pulled into the line and then noticed a few ducks in the river.
NOTE: The line of cars for the wash is literally the shoreline of the river, maybe four feet of soil and bushes between the pavement and the water. Now I am thinking, nice way to wait in line, I can observe some wildlife. I was pondering, getting out and taking some photos, however, the line is moving up, the spray from the do it yourself wash-bins is now being blown onto my car AND, the ducks are moving on downstream – No Photos! Now keep in mind the past couple of days have been pretty cold and windy so I am thinking how amazing it is that wildlife goes about its business regardless of the weather. While waiting in line I decide after the wash I will take a ride down Rt. 57 along the river and see what is going on.
Finish at the car wash and begin my ride down 57 I am not even a half mile down the road when I observe four deer across the river along the river bank. Quickly I turn around, pull over off the shoulder, and take a couple of photos. Heading further west 57, which pretty much follows the river, I am going through the Beattysville section and notice some ducks on the water. I keep driving as there was no place to park and get photos. But I drive a little further and decide to drive over one of the bridges. Stopped on the bridge and that was where I took the Mallard duck photos. Continued west and then turned onto another bridge where I stopped and photographed a flock of Canada Geese. Just finished taking those pictures when a friend called; I would be heading back home, have to pick up a fresh home cooked dinner and deliver same to another friend. Photo session done.
I am driving back to my friend’s house and began the realization I just had five sightings of wildlife along the Musconetcong River in a very short period of time! The first was while getting my car washed and the others were all from my car, within a pretty short time span That time span was 2:28 p.m. with the deer to 2:46 with the Canada Geese and that involved several times making u-turns getting into position to take a photo. I realize I was lucky this time.
However, when considering the word lucky, keep-in-mind I was on a mission looking! But, all that being said, is this not a re-affirmation of my opening statement, “I think we all agree, the area we live in is beautiful, has a lot of wildlife and many wonderful places to go and enjoy our Open Space Lands!” Add to that concept, how many times have I and others, showcased wildlife and we were not even in the wild areas.

Before closing, let me also remind you and direct you to several web sites where you can learn more about the Musconetcong River.
Wild & Scenic – https://www.rivers.gov/rivers/musconetcong.php
MRMC – Musconetcong River Management Council – Musconetcong River Management Council | MWA
Musconetcong Watershed National Water Trail – Musconetcong Watershed National Water Trail (lakehopatcongfoundation.org)
Musconetcong River National Water Trail – National Water Trail | MWA (musconetcong.org)
****DON’T FORGET!! WILD & SCENIC FILM FESTIVAL February 22, 2022 – https://www.musconetcong.org/film-festival ****
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran, Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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