Today’s Photo of the Week article’s subject and title, ‘Photos, “Of the “Moment!” – Photos, “Out of the Blue!”, actually developed/morphed, while perusing through my photo archives trying to figure out just what would be my subject! Let me take you on that journey, I believe you may even find yourself reminiscing about your own similar situations!
My journey began with a simplistic mandate of picking out some ‘Favorite Photos’, which, when I began in earnest the selection process, I quickly realized, in my line of photography, documenting my visits with nature, I may have a challenge on my hands! That challenge is this, when something, some circumstance or some panorama presents itself, AND, I am fortunate enough to photograph it, I KINDA look at that as a gift, and often classify same ultimately as a favorite! OK, let me whittle this ‘Favorite Photos’ concept into some categories, categories that should at least narrow things down to a more manageable situation. A little brainstorming and ‘REFLECTIONS OFF WATER’ pops into mind. I have a large Flickr album dedicated to ‘Reflections Off Water’ with many different photos, let me go there and PERUSE!
**NOTE: Keep in mind, the photos in this album, range from grand panoramas to literally one or two feet of area! Also keep in mind some photos are ‘VERY OBVIOUS’ as to what you are looking at AND some ‘DOWNRIGHT – WHAT IS THAT? and needing an interpretation of the photo!!**
OBSERVATION: Keep in mind this entire ‘REFLECTIONS OFF WATER’ album fits into the above subject and title, Photos “Of the Moment” – Photos, “Out of the Blue” I believe I am safe in saying REFLECTIONS OFF WATER are a unique event or circumstance one come’s across under the right conditions giving you that special additional subject matter within the site/sight to photograph; otherwise the subject matter is just that subject matter.
Getting back to my perusing, Ladies and Gentlemen, the very first photo I came to in the album was one of those small area, What is that?? Kind of photo. The third photo I came to was a reflection off pooled stormwater in the road by my house at night where my headlights created the photo opp!
It was after viewing these two photos I had found my Subject and Title. It was after viewing these two photos I decided to limit the area size of my photos to small and then incorporate Why they are special and unique as part of my photo report! There is one exception, the Allamuchy Pond photo is a larger panorama but I included same because of the unique Moment or Out of the Blue visit by the resident beaver! Hope you enjoyed THE JOURNEY, Hoping you have your own recollections of special camera moments!
To aid in setting the stage, if you will, allow me to just hone in on some definitions or meanings of words in our title.
MOMENT – according to Webster’s New World Dictionary 1} an indefinitely brief period of time, instant 2) a definite point in time or in a series of events 3) a brief time of being important or outstanding
OUT OF THE BLUE – Source: 1) out of nowhere or unexpectedly 2) something that happens without anyone having prior knowledge of it 3) genuine surprise or shock 4) happens suddenly and one is not expecting it.
I wanted to have these definitions in writing before you, in the hope, you will apply these very definitions while reviewing these photos giving you a better sense of my feelings when I came across these photo opps!!
1 Paulinskill under Rt 46. There is a cement sidewalk that goes under the bridge to help hikers get to the Delaware River without crossing Rt 46. This sidewalk is underwater when river is high. The photo shows a portion of the river by the bridge and its many rocks with a crystal clear view of the trees on the distant shoreline of the river.

3 Youngs Island Road – I am returning home and was treated to the unique circumstance of smooth calm water along with a reflection created by my headlights

Allamuchy Mtn State Park – we always associate reflections off water with glass like water, I caught this photo when something broke the surface and created perfect circular ripples amid the reflection!

Allamuchy Pond – beaver swimming The beaver was the main reason I took this photo, however there is a reflection off water aspect to this panorama. I enjoy the nice long narrow path across the water left by the beaver.

Catfish Pond – This would be a real puzzler if it were not for the grasses coming up through the water. I also like the fact this photo displays not only the sky above BUT ALSO shows the rocks below!

Pond – Always enjoyed the color tones of this photo, taken as evening approached. The small doll house and bench kind of confuse the photo BUT the Canada Goose sets the tone for true size perspective (see featured photo above!).
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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