There wasn’t much snow, as it turns out, on Saturday but enough to add a wintry flavor to our photo tour this week, starting with Rutherfurd Hall (featured above). My game plan was to criss-cross Warren County to several of my favorite Historic Places. My photo of the Week presentation this week will serve as a reminder for some great places to visit. Keep in mind ALL of these sites are on the National & State Registry of Historic Sites!! ALL of these sites have received multiple grants from the Warren County Municipal Charitable Conservancy Trust Fund. Looking back in time, about 20 years, these sites were in need of some repairs, today, I would classify these sites as Gems!! We owe a great gratitude to the many individuals, groups and organizations, that worked so hard in restoring these important sites!
My trip began as I departed Hackettstown after breakfast and headed out Rt. 57 to Rt. 31 North, my first stop will be Shippen Manor in Oxford. Sun is not cooperating and hiding behind some clouds. Cross over the mountain and make my way to Brass Castle Rd. and then onto CR 519 South to the Hoff Vannatta Farmstead, tried to get all the buildings into one photo, had to leave the huge old barn out of the photo. Headed up CR519 into Hope and then took Marksboro Rd. to Rt. 94 headed north and then cut over to CR 521 to the Voss Farmstead adjacent to beautiful White Lake Park. Lucky with the timing as the sun came out. Back tracked to Hope and took I 80 east to exit 19 and headed into Rutherfurd Hall amid the beautiful Allamuchy Mountain State Park with Allamuchy Pond as its backyard. Moved around a little as the sun was facing the camera and needed a shady spot for the photo.

Check out the links below and maybe set some time aside for a nice fun and interesting Family visit!!
Rutherfurd Hall in Allamuchy:
Shippen Manor in Oxford:
Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead in Harmony:
Voss Farmstead in Hardwick:
Enjoy Your Open Space, Charlie Fineran
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