It’s Sunday morning and I’m beginning work on my Photo of the Week article. I decided this week’s theme, would be Favorite Photos. My only challenge now is WHICH FAVORITE PHOTOS??
After almost 20 years of taking photos and over 350,000 on file, well I think you might begin to see where I am coming from! Actually, I do have a lot of wonderful memories, AND, some of my favorite photos, associated with those memories, actually come to mind pretty quickly. BUT, I still have a lot of categories I must choose from. “DECISIONS – DECISIONS!!”
Having just returned from a nice breakfast I get comfortable, and, just laid down on my bed for a moment to “Gather my thoughts and sort out potential subject matter. I was KINDA envisioning a relaxing “Alone with my thoughts” type of moment. What happened was, (NOTE, this is in quick time and also in unbroken succession), my head gently met the pillow and hadn’t even sunken into the mattress when I observed a black object, LUCY, joining me on the bed, and without missing a beat walking over me, finally addressing me in a COLD nose to nose situation followed by a couple of head butts! Alright, figure I will give her a little attention, and, SUDDENLY, I hear a scurrying noise followed by another black object on the bed, CLEO. This was followed by more scurrying noises which continue right up until the time there is literally a collision on the base of the bed and there is LADY!
Ladies and Gentlemen I am beginning to comprehend, rather quickly, that my original game plan for preparation was not going to happen! BUT THEN, something clicked …. CATS!!! My cats, they have been a part of my life over the years, and I have lots of nice photos of them and some nice memories. I know I have lots of favorite photos! Going to my computer I start on a quest looking for some cute photos. Example, Lucy and her brother Rascal (RIP) use to always sleep together etc., some really nice moments to observe and PHOTOGRAPH!
Going through my CAT FILES I began coming across other photos of my ‘Indoor Cats’ looking out the windows at various wildlife with our beautiful Open Space lands as a backdrop! All this, add different weather conditions, I am beginning to like this scenario – My cats – wildlife – beautiful Open Space Lands! I think I have my Photo of the week article..

Four of the photos posted are from my present address on Kestrel Lane overlooking the sod and farm fields with Panther Valley ridge as a backdrop. One photo is of my cat Oliver avoiding a skunk in our front yard when I lived in Panther Valley.
Please go to my Flickr site to view other photos of sod and farm lands off Youngs Island Rd and Kestrel Lane –
Christmas Dawn 2015 – Allamuchy Township’s sod fields | Flickr
I hope viewing my photos of special memories will evoke some memories of your own and just perhaps you may some photos to go along with those memories!
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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