Charlie’s Photo Of The Week Is A Good Start To Any Day

Charlie Fineran’s Photo of the Week is a nice way to start to a new day!! 

This morning’s photo (taken Friday – January 4, 2019 ) is a culmination of my usual everyday daybreak activities, which just happened to all, coincidently, gather together, at the same place, AND, at the same time, making THAT SNAPSHOT, a special moment!! That SNAPSHOT made me scramble to get my camera and take your Photo of the Week!  The photo is actually a pretty accurate indicator or diary if you will, of my typical daybreak sights and activities, BUT, not all together in one snapshot, that’s special!! 

A LITTLE BACKGROUND: First of all, for me, where I live is truly special!!!!  I’m living on the EDGE!  Between the riparian wetland woods along the Pequest River and the rich, black soil ‘muck land’ farm fields.  My home’s location is an important habitat called ‘edge’, the ecotone between two different habitats, forest and fields.  Edge increases the numbers of species using the area.  For me, more species =s MORE PHOTOS!!  Another benefit for me is, look at my backyard view, a half mile of fields ending in the Panther Valley ridge, great views = MORE PHOTOS!!

TALES OF THE PHOTO: My neighbor and his wife are outdoor enthusiasts!  It has been enjoyable seeing them out and about with their dogs and all their other activities they share with their friends!!  They also have some chickens and ducks.  I had always enjoyed the distant sounds of “cock-a-doodle-doo” throughout the day.  About six months ago, one of his roosters and several hens were roaming around my house and I figured, they might be hungry, so, gave them some bird seed, which I poured off my deck AND from the looks of things, they greatly appreciated same!  Next morning, pre sunrise, I am lying in bed and hear a very UP CLOSE, “cock-a-doodle-do”!!!! Got up, followed the noise and I am looking out my kitchen door onto the deck and see a rooster, atop the railing, right above where I fed them the day before!!  And you guessed it, he was busy calling me out!!!  A very pleasant tradition was started!!  Wake up every morning to my ‘living alarm clock’, get a cup of bird seed, feed ‘my’ rooster and hens, then feed my cats and get ready for my day.  I also began to notice another pleasant tradition, I called it, ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’!  Returning home in my car, I was suddenly being charged at by the rooster and his hens, who would then wait for me to exit my vehicle and escort me, up the stairs and right to my door!!  Of course, they got a cup of seed!!  Even leaving my house, if they were around, they came A RUNNING!!

Sadly, a few weeks ago, living on ‘The Edge’ didn’t go well for my rooster friend, I found some down and feathers on my driveway!!  My neighbor did got another rooster and I am hoping he will be as much fun as the last.  The new guy is quiet compared to the other!!  The hens now lead the charges, so, maybe he will catch on!!  Keeping my fingers crossed!!  For today’s Photo of the Week, I was wakened by the rooster, but he was out in my backyard.  I am looking and the sun is just about ready to rise up over the ridge, ( Thoughts of a camera moment are developing ) remembering I had a new bag of bird seed in my car, I got up and rushed to the car.  I was escorted from my car to the feeding place, climbing the steps I dropped several handfuls of seed down to the rooster and hens!  Looking out over the fields, noticed one of my neighbors walking the dogs back to their home!  NOTE:  Now wondering if this will ‘ALL’ fit into one photo – GET THE CAMERA!!

Please visit my Flickr site for sunrise photos from my backyard.

Yours in Open Space, Charlie Fineran

NYC 12-21-2004 from Eagle Rock 9-11 Memorial 011
Chirstmas Dawn 2015, Allamuchy, New Jersey 037

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