Friday, Nov. 1, I am heading out for a photo visit, wondering what the rivers and streams will look like after the heavy rains!! Not sure where I am going yet, but traveling along the Pequest River, a tributary of the Delaware River, on Route 46, things are looking promising!! I decide I will head out to the Delaware and check that out, and THEN decide where to visit for my Photo of the Week!! The Delaware is UP; it had really been quite low so this means we did get a pretty good rain! Game plan: drive up Old Mine Road from I-80 and check out some of the streams coming off the mountain. They can be quite impressive right after a good rainfall!!

Pull off of I-80 and notice that the INFAMOUS Three Minute Traffic Light controlling the one lane portion of Old Mine Road is not working!! There is a sign to that effect with the advisory proceed at 5MPH – I am stopped by the light, thinking, “THIS has the potential to be an interesting experience!!” I luck out, no traffic, BUT, I notice several small waterfalls off the rocks, another indicator there was a lot of rain!!! I am just passing by the entrance to Worthington State Forest’s Headquarters and notice the water runoff coming down from the mountain is quite impressive!! I now know what my Photo of the Week article will be about: my uphill adventure and following the water back up the mountain!! Over the years, I have followed many streams and runoff waters back up their mountain, and it has always proven to be an interesting and exciting adventure!! I did this site Jan. 21 of 2010 after a pretty good rain, nice visit, BUT, my return trip downhill was a little stressful as it was beginning to get dark!! Made it just before darkness!! NOTE: Almost all of these visits following water back uphill are not your regular trail hikes!! You are following path of least resistance, so, you do need some light!!! I began this trip at noon and returned at 2:45 p.m. keeping in mind you need to find your way (through briars, brambles, rock outcrops and make sure of your footing, etc., while going up and downhill) Just for fun, I checked my other trip here. that began at 4:42 p.m. and ended at 6:20 p.m. Also noted that there was not as much invasive species growth as there is now!

Our visit today is really quite a beautiful adventure. I will outline the physical features here and then, let the attached labeled photos along with my Flickr site be your photo report. Just for your info, this is not a named stream, it doesn’t show up on maps, BUT, it has obviously been doing its thing for millennia judging on the cuts through solid rock on portions of its journey to the Delaware. This water crosses under Old Mine Road adjacent to the entrance road to the campgrounds and park office. You could walk through the cement pipe!! I am not sure how much elevation is covered on this trip but judging from the views, it’s a pretty decent climb. One other observation, both times I have done this trip, I stopped at the same point because of time restraints and physical barriers which need to be circumvented to continue further along up the mountain. I believe I know where I will be visiting this Fall or Winter.

Cascade through rocks along the road leading to the first waterfall – this is visible from the road.
There is a smooth rock shoot just above the first waterfall, where the water has carved into and polished the rock.

A second waterfall near the beginning of the rock shoot.
Above the second waterfalls is a long steep cascade where water careens through rocks, the section higher up the mountain is almost like mini waterfalls.

The next feature is the remnants of a stone structure (I am going to guess footing for a bridge) which allows the water to flow between the structures. The water then goes into the mini falls area of the cascade.
Above the stone structure, you are looking uphill at another cascade coming down from a hill crest a good distance away. No easy way to get up to hill crest. Will have to go around and then climb up and make your way over to the hill crest. Would be interesting to see the view as it will answer how far up the mountain, along with possibly the source of the runoff?

Please visit my Flickr site for more photos and movie clips!
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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