Charlie Fineran’s Photo’s of the Week: Removal Project of Paulina Dam, Blairstown

by Charlie Fineran

Hi Everyone:

Sorry I missed sending last weeks Photo of the Week article, was doing some last-minute scrambling getting ready for Monday, Dec. 4 when I had cataract surgery. Everything turned out fine, I’m still doing multiple drops in the eye several times a day, but, can’t wait to see the final results.

Today’s Photo of the Week are photos from several visits to this Paulina Dam site, showing progress at this point in time of the project.

The location is along the Paulinskill River in Blairstown, Warren County, NJ

The Paulins Kill is New Jersey’s third largest tributary to the Delaware River.  The Paulina Dam is classified as a run-of-the-river dam, which is a category explaining its design and use when it generated electricity.  Presently, the dam is classified as a high risk since the spillway has insufficient capacity for flood design.  Blairstown Township is the owner of the dam and is required by DEP Bureau of Dam Safety to either remove or rehabilitate the dam to satisfy the Flood Plan.  The dam also blocks fish passage on the Paulins Kill River.  Blairstown Township passed a resolution for the State to pay for the design of the project which was completed in 2020.

The Nature Conservancy received a grant to fund a substantial portion of the removal through the “Paulins Kill and Pequest Watershed Natural Resource Restoration Grant Program.

This project will remove the hazard the dam poses to life and property as well as opening fish passage to riverine species for approximately 5.5 miles upstream and 11 miles downstream. The river is habitat for native brook trout and migratory fish species which cannot pass the dam.  This removal of the dam will also reconnect upstream and downstream populations of the endangered dwarf wedge and triangle floater mussels while increasing river ecology and public recreation.

Removal is expected to begin fall of 2023 – We are on schedule!!

The above information obtained from:  NJDEP-Office of Natural Resource Restoration-Paulina Dam Design/Removal

The above photos are dated to give you an idea of progress made.  Keep in mind, during dam removal projects besides the actual removal of the physical dam, there are many considerations for allowing the area’s wildlife and plants to gradually adapt to changes being made.  Each project has its own plans for best removal or disposal downstream of the silt which had built up behind each dam.  If released too fast, you will just bury everything downstream.


Paulina Dam Removal Process Restarts – Ridge View Echo

Restoring the Paulins Kill River (

Paulins Kill Valley (

Enjoy Your Open Space

Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space 
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman 
Allamuchy Historical Society – President


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