Hi Everyone:
Wednesday June 21, 2023 I am at Kittatinny Point in the Delaware Water Gap with Friends of the DWGNRA, we are helping at day five of the Delaware River Sojourn 2023, a seven day paddling and camping trip on the Delaware River. After lunch I went to the Portland/Columbia Pedestrian Bridge for additional photos of the Sojourn coming down River under the Columbia RR Viaduct then to and under the pedestrian bridge continuing on their journey

Delaware River Sojourn 2023, is the 28th Annual Sojourn event. This year’s June 16 thru 23 the Delaware River Sojourn combines guided paddling excursions, interpretive programs and camping. Participants may sign up for the entire trip or for the day/days of their choice.
About 65 miles will be paddled in 2023, split into daily trips ranging from 5 to 13 miles. The 2023 Sojourn will be paddling the following stretches of River.
Sat. 6/18 – Hancock, NY to Bockingham Access (PA)
Sun. 6/18 – Bockingham Access to NEWE Camp (PA)
Mon. 6/19 – NEWE Camp to Callicoon (PA)
Tue. 6/20 – Dingmans (PA) to Bushkill (PA)
Wed. 6/21 – Minisink Park to Driftstone Campground (PA)
Thu. 6/22 – Driftstone to Martins Creek Boat Launch (PA)
Fri 6/23 – Martins Creek to Phillipsburg (NJ)
“By getting people out on the River and experiencing it, first-hand, the Sojourn helps create stewards of this important Natural Resource”, Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) Executive Director Steve Tambini
For more photos please go to my Flickr site – https://www.flickr.com/photos/charliefineran/albums/72177720309248886
delaware river sojourn 2023 – Search (bing.com)
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
Friends of the DWGNRA – Vice Chairman
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