Saturday April 8, 2023 – It is about 11:00AM and I am just starting on one of my “Looking For Stuff” road trips. Just turned onto Long Bridge Road, by the Pequest River, and noticed cars parked along the road and in the little parking area by the bridge, must be Opening Day for fishing!! WELL, now I know what the theme of my road trip will be. Checking out all the fishing areas along the Pequest and Musconetcong Rivers. Can’t believe or describe just HOW BUSY the areas along these rivers were, cars along the shoulders of Rt 46, filled parking areas near and along the Rivers, really wonderful to see so many (Men-Women & Children, the whole Family) taking advantage of our great Rivers.

Keep in mind both the Pequest & Musconetcong Rivers are famous for their great fishing. Also keep in mind that the Musconetcong River is Nationally designated as a Wild & Scenic Partnership River in three areas and it is also designated as a National Water Trail, the only such water trail in New Jersey!!
The Musconetcong River in Northwest New Jersey (
Water Quality | Musconetcong Watershed Association | United States
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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