by Cathy Miller
Who doesn’t love to be pampered? Pets. Children. Royalty. YOU? Licensed aesthetician Jodi Gross brought her skills to Belvidere about a year ago when she opened the doors to Mill Street Aesthetics & Skincare Boutique and began sharing her passion for pampering.

Jodi, a lifelong resident of Warren County who lives in White Township, said with a smile, “I love it here. I never felt like I had to grow up and leave.” She is thrilled to be a part of the Belvidere community and truly believes, “The universe put me here at a great time.”
The road to becoming an accomplished and respected aesthetician was a winding one. She admitted, “I was never a good student in school, not because I’m not smart, but I just felt bored.” She didn’t appreciate being told what to do, and essentially majored in socializing. Her parents and teachers did not approve.
After high school, Jodi attended college. Two years in, she walked away from higher education and found herself taking on assorted jobs, just to have a job.
She explained, “I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I married young and had my three kids before I was 30. I was really lucky to be able to stay home and raise them.” During that period, her father bought Jodi and her mother an unexpected Christmas gift – a day of indulgence at a local spa – massage, pedicure, and facial.
Remembering how she felt afterwards, Jodi said, “I had my first facial and it was fantastic! I went back to this spa every chance I could.” She loved the facials so much she thought it might be something worth exploring. Her children, still in school, were older now, and Jodi was employed outside the home. Her aesthetician needed someone to help manage her spa. Jodi took the job and thus began her march to Mill Street Aesthetics.
She gave herself a pep talk. “This is my dream. I’m going to follow my dream. I promised myself I would do this.” At 47 years old, she went back to school full-time.
Jodi admitted her return to the halls of learning “scared her to death,” saying “I hadn’t been in a classroom for how many years? Now, here I was in a classroom, for the next year, with these kids, the same age as my own kids.”
Her misgivings were misguided. She had the most wonderful experience, even being named student of the year. She never missed a day of school. Her instructor was top notch, as were her peers, with whom she’s still in touch. “It was a lot, I don’t know how I did it,” she marveled, “Working part-time, attending school full-time, and running a household – it’s crazy what you can do when you want something bad enough.”
One of the first things the instructor taught the class remains with Jodi to this day. “You are going to be a professional and the most important thing is your integrity. The work you do, that’s your integrity.”
School was followed by two exams to become licensed in NJ, after which Jodi worked at a couple salons. Soon it was time to go off on her own. She explained, “That was another weighty decision, but my husband was super supportive. He said if it doesn’t work, at least you can say you tried. Isn’t it worse to not know?”
They began the search for a suitable location in April 2021 and found a diamond-in-the-rough five months later in Belvidere. Jodi smiled, “When I pictured where I would be, this is exactly what I envisioned – a great building with a cool vibe of old and new in a peaceful, quaint town.”

Jodi and her husband, who owns a construction business, did all the reconstruction – a ten month build-out, juggling work every day and reconstruction every night and every weekend. It was brutal, but on August 1, 2022, Mill Street Aesthetics & Skincare Boutique opened it doors at 313 Mill Street.
She laughed, “This was the one time in our marriage where I could shop every day. It was so much fun decorating the space. When you look around the Boutique, this is who I am. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, mix it all up and you get me!”
Jodi went into business with no business background. Her husband opened his own business 40 years ago. As a result, he’s got business background to share, and a good accountant. She conceded, “I really wouldn’t have most of this if it wasn’t for him.”
Her Grand Opening Celebration was a resounding success. Since then, both the townspeople and the local businesses have embraced the Boutique. A firm believer in sharing with her community, she participates in all of Belvidere’s special events, often donating products and services as prizes
Belvidere resident Jen Cory, one of Jodi’s earliest clients, praised Mill Street Aesthetics & Skincare Boutique saying, “When I walk in here it’s always welcoming, I immediately feel at ease. Jodi knows everything about my skincare regimen. Whatever she suggests is tested by her, on her, to be sure it actually works. I trust Jodi.”

prepares client Jen Cory for a facial
About her business model Jodi noted, “I offer excellent, affordable skincare, but also understand you’re home more than you’re in my treatment room. You need to be able to hold what I do here until you get back to me. It’s unrealistic to think my clients will be here every week, so it’s important to have treatments to use at home.”
She added, “I try to be mindful about price points. We’re in Warren County, but why should we do without? I can’t tell you how many people from the area say it’s so nice to walk to the Boutique. I didn’t know if Belvidere would be ready for this, but they really are.”
Ever grateful for her loyal clientele, Jodi remarked, “Most of my people are local – Belvidere, White Township, Harmony – some from Phillipsburg, even Clinton.” One woman told her, “I’ve been all over the world, and I’ve had all kinds of facials, but you’re the best.”
Word-of-mouth is her best advertising, with some clients even sending their husbands and boyfriends for skincare – a number of whom have returned.
Jodi acknowledges the importance of continuing education in her ever-changing industry. She found an aesthetics mentor of whom she says, “I love her. I don’t know what I’d do without her some days. I have between two to four hours of education every week. Sometimes I’ll enroll in a twelve-week course on something very specific.”
On educating her clientele about skincare, she explained, “Occasionally a client will ask me a question I can’t answer. I make sure to find the answer, learn from it, and always share it with the client. They appreciate that.”
Jodi first learned of the Korean skincare products she carries through her mentor. After a two day training session, she said, “I brought it back here and started using it myself. When I introduced it to my clientele, it was a huge hit.”
Their innovative products utilize medical grade components and clean ingredients. The Korean technology actually treats the skin beneath the top surface, affecting the muscles and all the skin’s layers. Jodi noted, “I have no problem standing behind any of the premium products that I sell. I know every product is going to do exactly what it’s supposed to do.”
She combines devices with facial treatments. These devices utilize pain-free technology for problematic skin. They tighten skin, create volume, give a healthy plump to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, LED lights brighten skin, lighten scars, and produce collagen.
What drives Jodi is corrective skin care and anti-aging treatments. She doesn’t promote how to look “fake” young, she promotes aging gracefully. “The services I offer here will do that. There’s no talk about injections or surgeries. Nothing I do will hurt,” Jodi stated unequivocally.
Each client receives a personalized, customized, and individualized treatment session. She described, “If you request something that may not be appropriate, I’m going to explain what I’m seeing on your skin, offer an alternate solution, or say you don’t really need it. My schedule is built so I have plenty of time with each person who walks through my door. In the end, we become friends.”
As for peace and pampering, Jodi shared, “If you need to get away from the crazy, come in here. Yes, you’re here for your skincare, but I also feel it’s important to take that time to relax and not feel the pressure of the world. I’m going to give you an hour and fifteen minutes of peace.”
Do clients ever fall asleep during a treatment? “Oh yes, full-on snoring,” Jodi laughed. “They try to fight it. I tell them don’t fight it, just do it. If I can get you that relaxed, to me it’s a compliment. Then you wake up with gorgeous skin. Life is good.”
Her clients’ continued satisfaction is result-driven. It’s all about the excitement they feel when they see their skin improving.
After nearly a year of owning her dream business, Jodi summed it up. “It’s been a really great experience. I’m here, I’m open and I’m thriving. It’s been steady growth over these months. I thought I’d do well, but I had no idea it would be this good. It fills my cup in every way to be part of a community like this.”
When the door closed on child-rearing, it was a tough adjustment for Jodi. But Mill Street Aesthetics & Skincare Boutique helped immeasurably. Jodi mused, “This is my new baby. I have this to focus on. I feel blessed to have a successful business, doing what I love.”
Jodi’s Tip Of The Day: Repurpose your unused facial creams instead of tossing them. Use them on your hands, feet, elbows, and forearms.
The Boutique is closed Sundays and Mondays. Assuring a quick response, Jodi offers the option to book appointments online, along with other means of connecting via social media or phone.
Mill Street Aesthetics & Skincare Boutique
313 Mill Street, Belvidere, NJ 07823
Tel: 908-319-6277
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