Upcoming Skills Training Teaches Women “HOW” to Get Ahead
The next session of Project Self-Sufficiency’s employment skills training program, Higher Opportunities for Women (HOW), will launch April 8. The 16-week HOW Program combines intensive…
The next session of Project Self-Sufficiency’s employment skills training program, Higher Opportunities for Women (HOW), will launch April 8. The 16-week HOW Program combines intensive…
Washington Borough is clearly “on the map” these days. In the last three months, the Borough has been highlighted in the media regionally and nationally….
Looking for a fun night to connect with others and create for a cause? The Hackettstown Rotary Club is holding a California Dreamin’ Paint and…
The Food Project: Nourishing Our Neighbors, Project Self-Sufficiency’s food pantry and distribution program, recently received a grant from Macy’s for emergency food distribution related to…
Kaseem Pointer, Tanshel’s nephew, relaxes during the event. Kidz R People 2 celebrated Black History Month on Feb. 20 with displays, historical discussions about African…
Project Self-Sufficiency announces the launch of a new, virtual support group for breast cancer survivors. The support group will meet over Zoom at 4 p.m….
Garret D. Wall Park, located in the heart of Belvidere across from the Warren County Courthouse, will see the benefits of a long-awaited improvement project…
North Warren Regional High School was among the schools that collected the most new, unwrapped toys and gift cards for Project Self-Sufficiency’s Season of Hope…
EVENTS The Warren Hills Debate Team took part in the first-ever virtual mock trial in New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s Northern Regional Competition on Thursday,…
Updated Feb. 11 to include a newly added seminar for Feb. 18 Project Self-Sufficiency will host free, virtual legal education seminars throughout February. Tenant and…