Panther Valley is a beautiful gated community within Allamuchy Township, and is home to 85% of Allamuchy Township’s population. The physical valley is long and narrow, with steep wooded slopes flanking its sides. The main entrance is off CR 517 and going through the gate the main road is Bald Eagle, which literally takes you along the valley’s floor until you reach the back gate at Alphano Road. During your ride through the valley, there are three large physical features that you will become aware off: Panther Valley Golf and Country Club, which runs from CR 517 along the valley floor ending at Lake Eagle Rock. Lake Eagle Rock is your second physical feature, nestled on the valley floor adjacent to the golf course, with cliffs and wooded ridges as a scenic backdrop. Last but not least is the large cliff area, which faces across the valley overlooking the golf course.

Is anyone wondering why I didn’t mentioned the Panther Valley Scenic Overlook with the three other physical features!!?? The answer is, the overlook doesn’t STICK OUT; many people aren’t even aware where it is while traveling through the valley! The overlook itself is physically a small area AND there are no cliffs!! The overlook is atop a narrow grassy section of the ridge, which blends in with its surroundings when viewed from the valley. HOWEVER, the overlook literally looks down and out over almost the entire length of the valley, giving the viewer beautiful panoramas of Panther Valley! You are also treated to the surrounding mountains out and beyond the valley!

NOTE: Last year Panther Valley celebrated its 50th Anniversary and Panther Valley Golf & Country Club is celebrating its 50thAnniversary this year!!
Please visit my Flickr site for a four-season visit to the Overlook
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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