by Charlie Fineran
Hi Everyone:
I BELIEVE we are all guilty at one time or another, taking things for granted or just looking at the obvious, THUS, sometimes missing things, things that may actually be right in front of us, BUT, are lost amid the BIG PICTURE!! I BELIEVE we may associate certain natural occurrences, such as fog, haze or mist etc. and assign a negative connotation to those occurrences just because we perceive them as not fitting in to, our definition of a nice day! FINALLY, I BELIEVE we may overlook temporary occurrences or appearances, if you will, such as small puddles of water on the roadway or ponding in a field, and exclude them from our expectations, expectations of them contributing to our viewshed!!!
I HOPE this article will rectify the above oversights simply by making you aware of what you may be missing through some photographs of those examples.
I HOPE this article will add many interesting mini adventures, if you will, for you in your travels!! Don’t be afraid to stop and take a moment to look into a mirror like puddle or pool of water AND investigate its reflection!! You just may be very pleasantly surprised!! If so, DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A PHOTO!!!
Over the years I have been saving these different photos. This has been a project that has been in the works a long time, just never seemed to got started!! It is one of those projects that will never end, I just keep waiting to come across the right conditions and then begin to take some photos. I have created a group of albums celebrating those various occurrences in my Flickr Site under My Collections. This collection is made up of various photos celebrating those very anomalies!! My hope is that you enjoy your journey through these photos, whether tiny places within a vast panorama or whether not so clear scenes which depict a totally different perspective from your normal scene expectations!! Please visit these albums at my Flickr’s Different Perspectives – Hope you enjoy this collection depicting those different perspectives.
Actually took me quite a while as a photographer, to truly and fully appreciate these scenarios! NOW, I can’t imagine myself, not seeking out these ‘different scenarios’ during all my adventures!!
Today’s article’s photos are limited to Reflections Off Water and the photos above hopefully will give you examples of what you can expect to see on your journeys. Remember some of these sites/sights are temporary!!
Please go to my Flickr site for more photos –

You are standing on a sidewalk/trail literally under Rt 46 along the Paulinskill River. This water is part of the river when it is at this water level. I looked down and noticed this image amid the rocks and found it fascinating enough to take this photo. This is what I mean by temporary situations for each and every incident/place you come across. About 200 feet down river the Paulinskill empties into the Delaware River.
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
Hi Everyone:
I believe we are all guilty at one time or another, taking things for granted or just looking at the obvious, THUS, sometimes missing things, things that may actually be right in front of us, BUT, are lost amid the BIG PICTURE!!
I also believe we may associate certain natural occurrences, such as fog, haze or mist etc. and assign a negative connotation to those occurrences just because we perceive them as not fitting in to our definition of a nice day!
This collection is made up of various photos celebrating those very anomalies!! My hope is that you enjoy your journey through these photos, whether tiny places within a vast panorama or whether not so clear scenes which depict a totally different perspective from your normal scene expectations!!
It actually took me quite awhile as a photographer, to truly and fully appreciate these scenarios! NOW, I can’t imagine myself, not seeking out these ‘different scenarios’ during all my adventures!!
Hope you enjoy this collection depicting those different perspectives.
Enjoy Your Open Space
Charlie Fineran
Director Open Space
Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission – Chairman
Allamuchy Historical Society – President
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